Executive staff from around 250 television stations from thirty countries are meeting these days in the Polish city of Poznan, at the 40th edition of the annual conference of the European Association of Regional Televisions (Circom) , which at the end of 2023 signed with UVigo the agreement for the creation of the first chair…
The CIRCOM-Uvigo Chair presents its first Workshop on 26 April. Under the title Shaping Media for the Future, the event will bring together national and international professionals and academics to discuss management and innovation in the media.
The workshop will take place in the Redeiras Building, the institutional building of the University of Vigo,…
The CIRCOM Regional Chair of the University of Vigo has launched its new website, marking a significant milestone in communication and collaboration in the field of regional broadcasting and digital transformation in Europe.
In an international context marked by digital transformation, regional television broadcasters are challenged to innovate in order to adapt to new realities while preserving their nature as local public services.