In an international context marked by digital transformation, regional television broadcasters are challenged to innovate in order to adapt to new realities while preserving their nature as local public services. The digitisation process will be the main object of study of the Circom-UVigo Chair, which was formalised on 4 October. The agreement, signed by the rector of the University of Vigo Manuel Reigosa and the head of content at CRTVG and secretary general of the European Association of Regional Television (CIRCOM) Fernando R. Ojea includes a two-phase study plan, scheduled for 2023 and 2024, respectively. A total of 352 in-depth interviews will be conducted with the heads of key departments of 44 radio and television stations, representing 29 member countries of the Circom network.
The Chair, led by Professor José Rúas, will focus on qualitative research and mapping with the aim of identifying and understanding new trends related to innovation and adaptation to digital transformation within European regional public broadcasters. In parallel, the Chair will analyse the content published by regional public TV stations on different social media platforms. This analysis will assess the impact, participation and citizen interaction generated from the aforementioned contents.
In addition, the Chair will create the Circom-UVigo Hub –a meeting point and knowledge exchange platform between professionals and academics– which will hold thematic workshops on different topics related to innovation and transformation within regional media.
The University of Vigo has become the first European academic institution to sign an agreement with Circom Regional, paving the way for applied research in the field of regional television.